APRIL 2019
Welcome to the Francophonie spring!

Integrating Contemporary French and Francophone Culture in the Classroom

Teaching French may be one of the most challenging educational jobs out there! Gratefully, the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the US proposes many excellent resources for French teachers, all designed on how to integrate contemporary French and francophone culture in the classroom. You will find here an incredible collection of tools and resources for teaching French, including power points presentations, activities, and videos, along with many teaching tips for all levels from K to 12. Most activities and presentations can be adapted all the way up to the level, age and interests of your students.
Check out this list of great resources prepared by Pierre-Yves ROUX, a specialist of French language acquisition at the Centre international d’études pédagogiques (CIEP) in Paris. As he best says “We cannot imagine teaching and learning a foreign language without bringing a particular focus to the associated culture, ensuring that our methods are integrated with the real culture at hand”.
Take advantage of the countless pedagogical materials available now for free and for all French teachers with wonderful teaching ideas, quizzes, fun games, supplemented with videos for numerous different unit lessons.

Enrich your students’ learning by sharing these excellent resources at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19IeGN8uqhnXYuFPVsxXsxUltvSpmz5_B?usp=sharing

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On March 20, 2018, in a great speech on the Francophonie, president Emmanuel Macron celebrated French teachers as the heroes that promote French all over the world!
On the same date, one year later, a wonderful reception was hosted by the Consul General of France in Boston, Mr. Arnaud Mentré, to celebrate French language and culture, and to underline the remarkable work of teachers all over New England who contribute to the growth of Francophone culture! "We're lucky to have such dedicated French teachers interested in sharing their love of languages with their students", said the Consul General of France, Mr Mentré.

This meeting was a great opportunity to show the commitment of the French Consulate in Boston to paying tribute to the tireless work of the French teachers in the region and to lead the way in strengthening our intercultural bonds through the French language and Francophonie values.

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Carole FREDERICKS was the American singer who performed with Jean-Jacques GOLDMAN, and Michael JONES in the music trio, Fredericks Goldman Jones, in France from 1991 to 1996. A native of Springfield, MA, Carole enshrined the name of this city in the trio's hit song, Un, deux, trois from their 1991 debut album 'Fredericks Goldman Jones'.

Inspired by Carole Fredericks' life and music, a program called "Paris/Boston Classes Duo Program" is set up with the aim to connect school students in Paris and Boston.

This program is a cultural exchange inspired by the life of Massachusetts-born singer  who spent the last 22 years of her life in France. The students exchange emails and participate in monthly video conferences in French and English. Each class will prepare a video presentation in their partner's language and learn about Carole's music.

Would you be interested in a partnership with a school in France utilizing Carole Fredericks' life and music? Please send an email to cfm@cdfmusiclegacy.com

Nommez un ou une de vos étudiant(e)s avant le jeudi 9 mai 2019!

Le Service culturel du Consulat général de France à Boston, avec les services culturels de l’Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis, est heureux d’organiser pour la sixième année consécutive la remise du « French Consulate in Boston Excellence Award ».
Le prix récompensera un étudiant qui a effectué un séjour en France dans le cadre de son cursus universitaire et qui a été particulièrement actif, non seulement pour parler de son expérience des études en France sur son campus, mais aussi pour inciter ses camarades à partir.
Tout enseignant d’un établissement d’enseignement supérieur situé dans l’un des 5 Etats de la circonscription consulaire de Boston (à savoir : Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island) a la possibilité de désigner un seul candidat (sans distinction de nationalité ou de niveau) en complétant un formulaire en français ou en anglais.
Si vous souhaitez faire participer l’un ou l'une de vos étudiant(e)s, nous vous remercions de bien vouloir demander un formualire de candidature à l'adresse suivante culture@consulfrance-boston.org.

Les candidatures devront être soumises avant jeudi 9 mai à 23h59 EST.

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Inscription avant le 31 mai 2019!

Ce stage destiné aux profs de français se déroule en juillet, en même temps que la session intensive de cours de français langue étrangère, qui réunit plus de 800 étudiants d’une cinquantaine de pays. En suivant ce stage, vous pourrez côtoyer cette population internationale et participer à des activités socioculturelles diverses qui vous permettront de vous familiariser avec la culture francophone d’Amérique du Nord.

Vous pourrez également profiter des attraits touristiques de la Ville de Québec, inscrite au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, très animée et festive durant l’été.

Pour être admis, il faut:

-Être enseignant de français, langue seconde ou langue étrangère, dans un établissement d'enseignement secondaire, préuniversitaire ou universitaire.

-Posséder une excellente connaissance orale et écrite de la langue française, le français étant la seule langue utilisée tout au long de la formation.

-Être inscrit dans un programme de didactique du français.

La date limite pour les inscriptions est le 31 mai 2019. Pour plus de renseignements, contactez fle@elul.ulaval.ca

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Venue: Belmont, MA, at Plymouth Congregational Church, 582 Pleasant St.

Dates: From June 10th to August 30th

Les Petits Amis is a French immersion summer program where children of ages 2 to 8 learn French through fun and developmentally appropriate activities. Les Petits Amis pride themselves on the level of individualized attention provided to each child  with a ratio of 1 counselor to 3 children.
Les Petits Amis is for French, but also much more! Through weekly themes, they introduce various concepts to help children better understand themselves and the world around them. Every day, kids have time to express their uniqueness through creative activities.  For families interested in registering for Les Petits Amis for six weeks or more this summer, please fill out the form online or send an email to lespetitsamisdebelmont@gmail.com. The registration is open at https://goo.gl/forms/BKTib4MYWKoEswtv2

Venue: Belmont, MA

Dates: From June 10th to August 30th

For more information, please go to www.summerinfrench.com

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I was very honored and excited to meet during EMFLA (Eastern Massachusetts Foreign Languages Administrators Association) meeting with  Rebecca Blouwolff,  who was awarded 2019  MAFLA Teacher of the Year. Rebeca is a French teacher at Wellesley Middle School in Wellesley, MA, a Boston suburb. Her dedication to teaching along with her love of French is inspiring to all of us. As she best says "Learning a second language gives you an amazing window into another culture, other people, and other ways of being in the world. At the same time, it also gives you a mirror into your own culture and allows you to see what’s unique about your own way of life."

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Lycée Saint Esprit, which is a French High School (grades 10-12) in Brittany is looking to establish an exchange program with an American High School on the East Coast.

Lycée Saint Esprit is situated in Brittany, one of France's most magnificent and friendly regions. Brittany is a fascinating mix of spectacular coastlines, medieval towns, magical islands, and inland woods visited by people from around the world. Students will benefit from a calm, safe, and culturally enriching living environment.

The school has about 200 students and is a one hour flight from Paris. It can also be accessed with the high speed train route to Brest.

The school is highly interested in establishing a partnership and an exchange program with an American high school in the Boston area. About 20 of the 11th and 12th grade students are looking forward to discovering the American way of life and sharing their French way of life with their counterparts.

Should you have any questions, please contact Jocelyne Kerscaven, English teacher, at jkerscaven@lyceesaintesprit.fr

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Saint Denis, a quest for excellence since 1858!

Saint-Denis International School (K-12) is situated in the Loire Valley of France. This beautiful region is a UNESCO worldwide heritage site, full of history and famous castles visited by people from around the world. Students would benefit from a calm and safe living environment in the medieval town of Loches.

Several options are available with Saint-Denis International School:

Option 1: School partnerships and exchanges - 
Classes and activities are organized for American school groups that wish to go on an exchange to the Saint-Denis International school.

Option 2: Summer camp in July -
This camp is designed to help students between the ages of 12 and 17  learn French. All levels are welcome! It includes lessons, multimedia workshops, sporting activities, full day excursions in Paris, EuroDisney, Futuroscope in Poitiers, etc. For more information go to: http://www.saint-denis.net/en/summer-camps

Option 3: Immersion program (from a month to a full year) -
The school has a dedicated staff specially trained in teaching French as a Foreign Language and offers programs that run either the length of the academic year or throughout the summer months.
For more information go at: http://www.saint-denis.net/en/academics/french-as-a-foreign-language

Should you have any questions, please contact Martin Chatagnon, Director of International Programs, at mchatagnon@saint-denis.net


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Dates for session I: May 16, 2019 -July 11
Dates for session II: July 1- August 31

Educators Academy LLC provides graduate courses for Teachers of Foreign Languages: French and Spanish. Take the graduate courses (3 credits/$550) to transfer credits towards your graduate degree, for professional development, or for promotion. Courses are online and some of them have also a hybrid option. Courses are accredited by Colorado State University-Pueblo. Some of the courses are:

ED501 EMIGRES EN FRANCE VUS EN FILMS For Secondary Teachers (5-12)

ED501 LE CINEMA FRANCAIS ET L’ENFANCE for Secondary French Teachers (5-12)

ED501 LA FRANCOPHONIE : Aperçu du monde francophone de l’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient For Secondary French Teachers (5-12)

ED501 LES DESSINS ANIMES: Animated films to Teach French For Secondary Teachers (5-12)

Dates for session I: May 16, 2019 -July 11
Dates for session II: July 1- August 31

You can find more information at https://www.educatorsacademyllc.com or conctact Sylvie Pressman at mlpress@aol.com.



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Doté de deux millions d’euros, le fonds de soutien au tissu associatif des Français à l’étranger (STAFE) vise à appuyer les projets associatifs dont l’objet est de nature éducative, caritative, culturelle ou d’insertion socio-économique et contribue au rayonnement de la France et au soutien des Français à l’étranger et des publics francophones.

Quelles associations ?
Toutes les associations locales portant des projets de nature caritative, culturelle, éducative ou socio-économique contribuant au rayonnement de la France et au soutien des Français à l’étranger et des publics francophones. Les associations de droit français (Loi 1901) peuvent également présenter des projets, si celles-ci ou leur représentation locale n’exercent aucune activité en France. L’association doit avoir plus d’une année d’existence pour pouvoir présenter un projet.

La subvention ne doit pas être la seule source de financement du projet. Le maximum est fixé à 50%. De manière exceptionnelle, ce taux est plafonné à 80% pour les petites associations dont le budget global n’excède pas 10 000 euros et qui sollicitent une subvention inférieure à 2 000 euros au titre du projet.

Quand et comment postuler ?
En retirant un dossier de demande de subvention auprès de nos services à l'adresse suivante consulat.boston-cslt@diplomatie.gouv.fr avant le 3 mai 2019.

Les dossiers complets devront être remis au consulat avant le 10 mai 2019.

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Starting Date: August 26, 2019 Position Type: Full-time

Oyster River High School has a fall opening for a French Teacher.
Candidates must be New Hampshire certified to teach French.
A competitive benefits package will be offered with this full-time position.

Contact information

Theresa Proia
Phone: 603-389-3293

Oyster River High School has an enrollment of 812 students in grades 9-12, and employs approximately 70 professional staff members.

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Starting Date: August 28, 2019 Position Type: Full time

At least 2 years of relevant experience preferred
Master degree preferred
Citizenship, residency or work visa required

Qualifications: Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary license in the specific subject area

Apply online at www.northandoverpublicschools.com

Contact Information: Cari Wahlberg , Director of Human Resources, Phone: 978-794-1503

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